So one day I was working at the For Artsake Gallery and this person walks in whom I will refer to as, "The Hippie Chick." She is definitely giving off the vibe of being very healthy, very peace-filled and very close to all things good and close to the earth. She asks me if I ever make steamers. She said she doesn't own a microwave and she uses her steamer to heat up her leftovers and it's really fast and they taste really good when steamed. She described the bottom part of the steamer as, "It's sorta like a bunt cake pan with a cone in the center that has a hole in it and you just set it on top of a saucepan with some water in it, put the food around that cone and then cover it with its lid."
When I got home, I walked directly into the studio and threw what I believed she was describing. And Oh! My! GAWD, Magnum!!! Was she ever right. We have cooked in our steamer dozens of times as well as used it to re-heat leftovers. I put raw crab in that pot, set the timer for 15 minutes from the time I turn on the burner to begin heating and that crab is done by the time the buzzer goes off. Not to mention the fact that the juice created by the steaming collects in the trough and it's not diluted in water. The shrimp and crab juice goes into our fish stocks or you can just drink it straight from the pot. DELICIOUS!

I was able to fit two crabs in this smaller prototype version. I am making them a little bigger now. The pot doesn't sit directly on the burner, mind you. That last photo is sort of misleading. Don't do that with the burner on. Bad idea. Not good. Actually, I guess you could try it to see what happens and then just order another one from me.

As you can see from the photos, the pot is quite portable. We tried it out at home first and then brought it up to the San Juans with us where it sits today, waiting for our return to cook shrimp and crab.
ReplyDeletewhat a great idea!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't figure out another text method of contacting you.
I emailed my cousin about our conversation last Saturday 11/20/21, see below.
Happy flying.
If we see you again we will have to tell you the story about Scare Creek International Airport, well, OK... minimal runway in the woods between Reedsport & Eugene.
Mike Dennis
Re: Famous Weatherman
Bonnie Silver
Tue 11/23/2021 10:04 AM
Hi M & M; Very interesting!
LLY was on KGO San Francisco radio for 16 years. KGO is a powerhouse (50,000 watts: the maximum for a radio station) and is heard as far north as British Columbia at night. I remember Dad listened to KGO thru the night. The SF bay area is the 4th largest metropolitan radio market in the US with 6.5 million people.
Before the station was sold in 2011, KGO had assembled a legendary team of talent. KGO was voted national radio station of the year 9 times! It was the number one radio station in the Bay Area for 45 years. Lloyd was extremely proud to be a part of this history.
We are in Palm Springs enjoying a phenomenal residence with the family.
Happy Thanksgiving! Bonnie
On Monday, November 22, 2021, 05:04:21 PM PST, Mike Dennis wrote:
Bonnie & Lloyd,
Mary & I were in Newport talking to a pottery artist, Jacob Accurso, holding down a co-op Art Gallery store this Saturday. We were talking about the great weather (which is why we were there) and he looks up the weather in the valley, reading out to us something to the effect of "broken clouds at 3000 feet". Since most people don't talk about weather that way, I asked if he was a pilot. As that was coming out of my mouth, for the first time I noticed a little airplane figure on his mask. Yup, he is a pilot and has his own plane.
So I mentioned that my cousin is married to a famous weatherman, telling him that in recent years Lloyd had been broadcasting on San Francisco radio out of your condo, but I couldn't remember the station. He thinks about it a minute and says Lloyd's name sounds familiar. Turns out he listens to KGO (did I get that right?) from Newport. I can't remember how he was able to receive the SFO station from Newport.
Anyway he clearly remembers Lloyd and was a big fan! I thought you might like to know.
Jacob Accurso,